Muros – 19th to 22nd July 2017
Until now the weather has been, let’s say, a little temperate.
So, when we read in the pilot book that the southern rias offer up a change in weather – things get warmer – we quickly changed our plans to set a course to Muros.
The journey here didn’t involve much in the way of sailing – there was either no wind or it was right on the nose – but the trusty iron donkey got us there for 6pm where we found a reasonably quiet anchorage for the night. This time no one came close to spoil the party.
And the sun arrived in spades. This is the first time we had been able to dine in the cockpit. Certainly not without thermals and a hat. And it was wonderful just watching the fisherman doing their fishing and the mussel men plucking their mussels.
The next day we lifted the anchor together with a whole bunch of assorted detritus. The anchor had done well, it had penetrated a fishing net, the remains of a canvas bag, and some other unrecognisable stuff. The pilot book mentioned that this area can be foul, so I guess we are lucky we didn’t drag up anything worse.

From the deep
Our next part of the journey wasn’t far. Just across the bay to Muros marina where there’s a bus service nearby to Santiago de Compostela.
Maria called the marina on the radio and was told just to come in and there will be a berth waiting for you. We did. Pedro (and yes that is his real name) was waiting there to direct us to a berth.
We have never experienced helpfulness like this before. Not only did he direct us to our berth, he then proceeded to take our lines and tie the boat up for us. This was no half-arsed attempt. He tied on every line and did it well. I’m super impressed.
And the town isn’t bad either…

Santiago de Compostela – 20th July 2017
Later that day we went on a mini-pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela. Two hours and €14.40 each way by bus. I know this is nothing compared with the achievement of the real pilgrims, who walk hundreds of miles to get here… but it was still a bit of a trek. And we had to suffer the wrath of the bus drivers for not having the right change.
It was worth it. The photographs speak for themselves.
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