Bequia Revisited

Bequia Revisited

We aimed for Mustique and missed On a breezy 9th February we upped our anchor and set off towards Mustique. This time the wind was in a better direction and, at last, we could sail rather than punch through the waves under power. Unfortunately, it quickly became clear...
Salty Sea Dogs in Saline Bay

Salty Sea Dogs in Saline Bay

Bumpy Ride from Chatham 6th February 2018 The trip from Union Island to Mayreau was short but vicious. Again, the wind and swell came from straight ahead, which made the journey frustratingly bumpy. Our goal this time was to reach Saline Bay on the south west of the...
Party Time in Chatham Bay

Party Time in Chatham Bay

Bollhead On arrival at any new anchorage, we stalk the seabed for patches of sand on which to drop the anchor. Chatham Bay was no exception. We hunted around the bay until we found a spot near to the front of the other boats, about 100 metres out from the beach and...
Reunion at Union Island

Reunion at Union Island

Carriacou to Union Island On 31st January we unhooked ourselves from Tyrell Bay and slogged our way to Union Island. Contrary to the weather forecast, the wind was fierce and directly ahead of us. The resultant sea state made for another bumpy trip between the...
Naked Grenada

Naked Grenada

Shocker in Sandy Island You’d think a clear statement from the Grenadian authorities that nudism is frowned upon, would give a hint to the most ardent knuckle dragger that it isn’t prudent to get your willy out in public. But there, on a mooring ball outside Sandy...