Farewell Tour

Farewell Tour

Fatu Hiva We couldn’t have asked for better weather for our sail to the Marquesas. Just like our passage to the Gambier from the Tuamotus, this was also a single-tack sail all the way. And we only switched on the engine after five days and 800 miles to park up...
Gambier – part two

Gambier – part two

Volleyball, boules and booze Our tour of the islands gave us ideas on where to go – and the places to avoid because they look too sketchy for boats carrying over two metres of draft. Following the channel back out of the Gambier, we turned left near the northern...
Gambier – part one

Gambier – part one

Practicalities This section is probably more interesting to sailors planning to visit the Gambier, so skip to the next bit if you find your eyelids drooping. Arriving somewhere new is always a bit disorienting. Fortunately, though, our buddies on Ticket To Ride came...
Christmas at Hirifa – New Year at Sea

Christmas at Hirifa – New Year at Sea

At first, there were three. BioTrek, Ticket to Ride and Jamala: two catamarans and one monohull. The only boats here enjoying the peace and quiet of Hirifa’s beautifully calm anchorage. The only noise we could hear was water rushing against the windward reef and the...