Tips for an easy life...


while long-term cruising

Our latest tips

Cloths that Attract Dust, Thanks to SV Perigee

Cloths that Attract Dust, Thanks to SV Perigee

Tip 8. No Dust on My Woodwork! We were invited to David & Lenny’s Amel Super Maramu 2000 S/Y Perigee for drinks and their boat was so clean. Lenny told me she uses these clothes to wipe away the dust. They are amazing, unfortunately they are really bad for the...

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Home Made Food, Lemon Curd Recipe

Home Made Food, Lemon Curd Recipe

Tip 6. To Bring Sunshine into Your Day Well I won’t distract you from jumping straight to the recipe and making this very easy lemon/lime curd. This is a combination of many different recipes discovered online and adjusted to make it taste the way I like it....

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Ziploc vs Glad Bags, Keeping Things Fresh

Ziploc vs Glad Bags, Keeping Things Fresh

Tip 5. You can Reuse these Bags I use plastic bags, but I always reuse them over and over. Then I wash them, turn them inside out, and hanging them out to dry. Ziploc bags are the better bags. In New Zealand, I couldn’t find any Ziploc and had to buy “Glad” brand...

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Keeping your Rubbish Compact

Keeping your Rubbish Compact

Tip 4. Plastic Bottle Bins! Whilst on passage or if we are going to be out sailing for a few weeks without being able to dispose of our rubbish on land, I get the largest plastic bottle I can find, cut up all my plastic, cardboard, and paper, and shove it in with the...

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Keeping Food Fresh

Keeping Food Fresh

Tip 2. Salad for Lunch This topic has been discussed repeatedly, and everyone thinks they have the answer. Today, I removed some items from my fridge that I bought on June 26th, 16 days ago. They were all fresh and usable in a salad, except for one. This is how they...

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Washing up Liquid – thanks to “SV Delos”

Washing up Liquid – thanks to “SV Delos”

Tip 1. Save the Liquid   A very long time ago, I watched an episode of Delos. Someone had left the top off the washing-up liquid on the passage, and they lost the lot. While in a hotel in Anacortes in 2021, I found a miniature bottle of washing-up liquid, so I...

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Cancer Research

Alzheimer’s Society