by Allen | Oct 31, 2017 | Updates
The 30th October 2017 is a date to celebrate, for the crew of Lady Jane. It’s the day Maria stopped being seasick. The cure isn’t anything to do with drugs, hypnosis, sickness bands, or anything that you plonk on your head to simulate a horizon. It is simply the...
by Allen | Oct 30, 2017 | Updates
The photograph below shows Maria performing the three-times-a-day solar panel tilting ritual to extract the maximum amount of power from the sun at any given time of day. On their own, the panels produce an average of 15 amps of power per hour. This is augmented by...
by Allen | Oct 29, 2017 | Updates
When I told family and friends that we were going to live on our boat and sail across the Atlantic, they said things like “wow, you’re going to have an amazing time” , “you’ll be living the dream”, I thought, yes but living on a 42ft yacht boat and sailing isn’t all G...
by Allen | Oct 28, 2017 | Updates
Images can be deceptive. The impression you might get from the photograph is that Chris can play the flute. He can’t. So bad is he that it’s an affront to the instrument Maria paid one Euro for in some tat shop in Spain. But it was entertainment. And the discordant...
by Allen | Oct 27, 2017 | Updates
After last nights performance which saw me taking down the spinnaker pole on a rolling and pitching deck sans trousers as a result of another wind shift, today has brought a welcome change for the better. The sea is calmer, the wind a pleasant force 5 from the right...
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