by Allen | Aug 11, 2019 | Updates
Anse Amyot After our wild ride through the north pass at Fakarava, it was a relief to enjoy the gentle sea state and helpful winds blowing us in the direction of Toau. With just the genoa flying and Lady Jane gently rolling along, we reached our destination by...
by Allen | Aug 7, 2019 | Updates
Fakarava Fakarava’s north pass is wide enough to fit a cruise ship through it – sideways. And it’s just as well. The island measures around 30×12 nautical miles, so that’s a lot of water sloshing in and out at the change of tide. After a...
by Allen | Jul 11, 2019 | Updates
Kauehi The Tuamotu islands, also known as the ‘Dangerous Archipelago’, are so low-lying that they make the Maldives look like Manhattan. And in the days before GPS navigation, many ships drove their vessels straight into the unseen reefs with inevitable...
by Allen | Jul 10, 2019 | Updates
Hakahau Conditions inside Taiohae can be deceptive: Inside the harbour, we had blue sky, light winds, and a gentle swell rolling over the bay. Outside the protection of Taiohae, however, the conditions were the polar opposite: average winds of 24 knots, sea state a...
by Allen | Jun 14, 2019 | Updates
Baie Hooumi A few days before the JaJapami’s arrived, and the day after Krabat and A Capella had left for the Tuamotus, we headed out to Baie Hooumi – one of the three bays collectively known as Controller Bay, situated to the east of the island. Luckily,...
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