
Analogous to waiting for a bus, after trying to catch a fish for over 1000 miles of ocean sailing, two came along at once. Admittedly they aren’t the size of sea creature that will pull your boat backwards Jaws-style. But each is big enough for dinner for two, so I’m...

Flat as a milpond

The Atlantic is as flat as a millpond. And with little to do other than eat, read, and listen to music – I am trying fishing. My efforts usually yield nothing more than a light workout, as the line always weighs the same after pulling it in as it did when it...

A feisty depression near Portugal

A feisty depression near Portugal is hampering progress down here. Rather than enjoying trade wind sailing with the wind behind us, we are currently motoring into five knots of wind ahead of us. Some of our fellow rally participants appear to be heading for Brazil to...
Whoa! I’m going to Barbados

Whoa! I’m going to Barbados

The lyrics of the 1975 Typically Tropical hit don’t exactly match our intended plans. We are not travelling by Coconut Airways with Captain Wilcock, for example, nor am I going to see my girlfriend in the sunny Caribbean sea. We are, however, heading for...
Santo Antao

Santo Antao

Getting up at 0700 isn’t the usual modus operandi for the crew of Lady Jane. It’s way too early for us laid-back cruiser folks. And besides, we had celebrated Maria’s birthday just a little too much the night before. The reason for this blurry-eyed...