Dogging in Philip Island

I’ve left this a bit late. But, in my weak defence, there is so much to do and see in New Zealand that it’s hard to find the time to sit down and write about what we have been up to.

It’s now May 2024, so this post is a large rewind to late November last year when we flew to Melbourne for a reunion with our friends. Consequently, it might be light on words, but it’s full of photos.

We stayed at Philip Island for a few days with Beverley and Phil, who lived in the same condominium building as us in Singapore around ten years ago.

Philip Island is a stunning place to live. There’s wildlife all around – wallabies in the gardens, cockatoos in the trees, penguins on the beach, and whales just offshore. And it was great to catch up with our friends. It’s been a long time since we were last together, but it felt like only a few weeks ago.



Penguin Nest

Whales somewhere out there

All the photographs below were taken in Phil and Beverley’s garden – it makes a change from seeing the occasional squirrel

Wallaby photographing


Wallaby on the bounce

Sulphur Crested Cockatoo

Rainbow Lorikeets


According to Wikipedia: ‘Kilcunda’s location on the north shore of Bass Strait gives it an oceanic climate, with the moderating effect of the ocean allowing a narrower temperature range throughout the year compared to other regions in Victoria. Average daily maximum temperatures range from 23.5 °C in the summer to 13.5 in winter. Frost is rare, occurring on average six mornings a year.[9]’

I beg to differ – it was beyond fresh on that beach. Despite that, it is a lovely place to visit.

More photo taking

Beverly and Maria – sea sirens

Warming grapple on the beach


For a lunchtime excursion, we drove to Loch, a quirky village with unusual shops selling unusual things and exhibiting some very strange artistry.

All the way from England.

Yes indeed


Temporary madness, maybe?


Melbourne – Singapore reunion

The last time we were all together was in Singapore at some event I have little memory of, apart from being a lot of fun. And these lovely people haven’t changed much. The stars had to align for us to meet up again – Natalie and Mark live on the other side of Australia, and we, of course, are all over the place. But it was more than worth the combined effort.

Beverly, Annie, Natalie and Maria

Us Singapore ex-pats

Happy time in Melbourne

And another selfie

Philip Island is a long way out of Melbourne, so after our reunion, we checked into a hotel in the city centre to see more of Melbourne.

View from the hotel window

City centre people

Out with Dean and Annie

Annie, in the above photo, is wearing traditional Melbourne headwear. Actually, it’s my recreation of a knotted handkerchief hat – the conventional headwear sported on Blackpool Beach.

Melbourne getting ready for Christmas

Stars on the bridge

Lunch with Natalie and Mark

Melbourne State Library

Who are you looking at?

And a final selfie

So, fun times and more experiences were shared. Hopefully, it will be less than ten years before we get together again.