13th September 2017 – It’s Only A Day
It’s only a day so it’ll be fine. So we thought.
In theory, with the wind coming from the side of the boat, the sailing conditions are optimum, so the sail to Tenerife should have been fine. Unfortunately, however, the swell also decided to come from the same direction as the wind. This evil combination of wind and sea set up a rolling action so horrible it would cause most salty sea dogs to rush for their bucket. Maria was almost glued to the seat con cangilón for almost the entire crossing eating nothing but the occasional digestive biscuit.
Rumour has it that seasickess only lasts for the first 3-4 days of a voyage. The longest time we have been at sea for is 3 days, so we are yet to put this theory to the test. But in the meantime, if anyone has any seasickness remedies not in the list that follows, we are all ears.
– Stugeron
– Hyoscine patches
– Dramamine
– Stare at the horizon
– Stay on the helm
– Avoid going below
– Acupressure bands
– Comedy goggles that create an artificial horizon
– Fish heads boiled in blood and stirred with the horn of a Unicorn
You can see we are desperately seeking a solution.
Santa Cruz de Tenerife
Nearing Tenerife, we called Santa Cruz Port Authority to notify them of our intentions and to seek permission to proceed to the marina. There is some heavy shipping round these parts, not so much in terms of volume – but size – so the authorities need to know what you are up to. This is as for your own protection as much as other shipping. Some of the vessels parked up here are huge. Many are oil platforms and crew hotels mothballed due to a decline in the oil industry, as can be seen in the photos above.
As with most of the marinas around this part of the world, the marineros come to help you tie up to the pontoon. And after this journey we couldn’t have been more pleased to see them. Both of us were knackered. So much so that when someone asked from where we had come, I could do no better than say “from over there somewhere”. And after washing the boat and plugging the electricity supply in, the next step was sleep.
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