After our three nights were up in Mustique – and with mild hangovers from there Basil Bar ‘Jump Up’ the night before – we detached ourselves from the mooring ball and headed off to Bequia (pronounced Bekway) just 7 miles north.
With a brisk wind and just the mainsail out, Lady Jane zoomed along and we arrived in Friendship Bay just one hour later, anchoring in five metres of water in the north east of the bay.
The main reason we chose this anchorage is that it is home to the Bequia Beach Hotel where we are having Christmas dinner with the crews of JaJaPaMi and, now, Moya who arrived here the day after us. That’s a total gang of six adults and four children / eight German guys and two Brits. And we, with the exception of the local boats, are the only ones here. Admittedly that might be something to do with the swell that rolls in here, causing the boats to rock from side to side like the motion of a lazy pendulum. But on a positive note, we have a spectacular view of the palm tree fringed beach and, in the distance, Mustique.
Last night we performed a test drive of the hotel during Lobster Night. We knew the lobster to be fresh because we saw them being landed by the fishermen in the afternoon, and were invited by the restaurant manager to have a closer look. See the photos. Some of those snappy chappies were huge and in one of the photographs it looks like the restaurant manager is ready to sprint. We weren’t disappointed during dinner either. The lobster was delicious.
Today is Christmas Eve and it’s a relaxed affair. Maria and I are sat in the cockpit with a cooling breeze tempering the midday sun’s heat. There are no pressies to wrap, no dinner to prepare, and there’s no last minute shopping to do (there are no shops anyway). We are going to spend the day being completely bone idle except for re-inflating the dinghy floor that I repaired in Mustique and perhaps having a swim around the boat.
Wow . . Very envious. Have a fabulous Christmas in the sun.
Thanks Mike. Merry Christmas to you!
Enjoy(ed) hopefully. Merry Christmas and a fabulous New Year
Merry Christmas LJ and crew, hope you weren’t too big to get back onboard 😀 looks fantastic
Fantastic feat and great blogs, have a wonderful, well deserved, New Year
Best wishes
Rob & Karyn (Bellis)