Yesterday’s clouds have disappeared, allowing the power of the blazing sun to shine on Lady Jane’s ever-grateful solar panels. These are currently pouring 16 amps of power into the batteries and it isn’t even midday. The hydrogenerator is adding another six amps to the cause. All this might sound geeky, but a reliable power supply is important to keep things running and the crew watered.
Our watermaker is doing well. We have full water tanks and are only part way through a 10 litre box of water that we have lashed to the saloon table so that the person off watch can refill their drinking bottle while lying down. Lazy? Of course – but luxury here is in short supply.
The sea around us is sapphire blue. There are no whales today, not yet anyway, but there are lots of flying fish skirting the waves, and the odd clump of seaweed floating by just beneath the surface.
The crew are sunbathing in the cockpit and all is good here onboard Lady Jane.
We recorded a 24 hour run of 152 miles at 0700 this morning, which is very good. And we are now 484 miles from Barbados.
Both looking well, love to you both x x
Thank you very much – it’s the fake tan x